The transition to a green and digital world is an extraordinary opportunity, but also a challenge in terms of skills. 🔨🌱
While the labour market requires people who can drive innovation and technological sustainability, many people find it difficult to upgrade. This is where artificial intelligence comes in. An innovative platform powered by artificial intelligence is offered by Claim to help SMEs analyse and identify the training needs of their workforce. The platform pays special attention to crucial topics such as internationalisation and the digital and green transition. Claim enables companies to increase competitiveness and promote excellence in the changing global marketplace by analysing employee knowledge, skills and techniques.
An unprecedented challenge and opportunity is the integration of artificial intelligence into workforce training. Companies that manage to go through this transition will be able to take advantage of the enormous potential that artificial intelligence offers, while keeping their employees at the centre of this transformative change. It is crucial to invest in continuous training, acquire soft and technical skills and create a flexible and welcoming learning environment.
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